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Breakfast With Christ - Don't Hang Yourself




"So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself".

Welcome to BWC. One of the villains from the story of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ is Judas. Judas Iscariot was a disciple chosen by Jesus Christ himself to be part of His twelve Apostles. Judas however allowed himself to be used by Satan to betray Jesus. Judas couldn't handle the guilt and hanged himself.

It was clear Judas had regretted his actions. He was remorseful, so why didn't he ask God for forgiveness? Was it possible God could have forgiven him? Yes. Judas could have been shown Grace by God if he had asked for Grace. Yet he chose the worse possible way to handle guilt by killing himself. Some of us Christians behave like Judas today.

We find it so difficult to repent and seek God's Grace when we sin. So instead of going back to God's throne of Mercy, we sit in our guilt and continue in the sin. We might not be physically hanging ourselves now but by choosing to remain in unrepentant sin, we are committing spiritual suicide.

God is a merciful God. He knows we are not perfect, so He told us in His Word that when we sin, we should come before Him with a repentant heart. We don't need to hang ourselves by remaining in the sin. We need to learn how to handle the guilt of sin. A lot of Christians have backslided because they couldn't handle their guilt.

If you're in a sin and you are finding it difficult to go back to God, please know that God doesn't condemn you. That feeling of deep guilt and condemnation is from Satan. Stop hanging yourself. Jesus took all your guilt and condemnation on the Cross. He was punished for your sins already, there is no need to hang yourself.

Please get up, find your way back to God today and repent. God is merciful and Gracious. Don't let guilt kill you. God's love for you is endless. Stay Blessed!


Lord, I am grateful to you for taking my place on the Cross. Thank you for your Grace that has saved me. Amen

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