The Allegory Of Sodom And Gomorrah
An allegory is "a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one." The story of Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in Genesis 19, mirrors our world today. This story reveals five issues:
1. Lot, who was a righteous man was living in a city of sin.
2. Sodom was a place of extreme sinful activities.
3. God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.
4. God asked Lot to escape from the city and never look back.
5. Lot's wife disobeyed and looked back.
Sodom in this story represents the state of our world today. Every gross sin like homosexuality, fornication and murder that happened in that city is happening today. Our world faces the anger of God. Our world is hanging by the Mercies of God. There is no reason why God shouldn't destroy our world today except for His Grace found in Jesus Christ.
Lot represents the Christians of today. Emphasis on Christians not church goers. Just as Lot was living in a sin full city, the Christians of today are also living in a world that adores evil. Godliness is forgotten in this world. The world promotes sin, lives in sin and enjoys sin. There is complete darkness.
God sent Angels to warn Lot and take him out of the city. For us, God sent His own Son to warn us and die to pay for our sins. Jesus' death was meant to save us from the destruction that this sinful world faces. If we don't heed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and repent, we will likewise perish. No human can escape the wrath of God except through Jesus Christ.
Lot's wife's disobedience epitomizes the life some of us Christians live today. God called us of darkness to live for Him and commanded us not to look back into the world. But we are so much attached to this world that we continue to look back. Some of us have even become part-time Christians. We go to the night club on Fridays and to the church on Sundays. We do what the world does and still think we belong to God. God hates disobedience.
If Jesus hasn't come yet, it isn't because He is happy with the state of the world. It is only because He is giving us the time to repent and be saved. God doesn't want any one of us to be destroyed, He is a merciful God, He wants us to repent and be saved from the destruction of Hell fire.