Secret Sins
In our quest to walk with God and go to Heaven one day, one of the things we need to look out for is SECRET SINS. In Psalm 90:8, David talked about secret sins. Secret sins are so dangerous. The truth is if we don't repent from our secret sins now, they will hinder us from going to Heaven one day.
A secret sin is any sin a Christian still holds on to and commit secretly even after being born again. As Christians, we were freed from sin and called to walk in holiness but there are some sins we simply haven't let go from our past. We still indulge in such sins often in secrecy.
Outwardly, we appear sanctimonious and clean Christians but in the secrecy of our hearts, we are still holding on to some secret sins. Secret sins are very deceitful. Often, such secret sins become so normal to us that we don't feel there is the need to repent. Yet, those are the sins that will eventually destroy us.
• Secret sins form a heavy barrier between us and God.
• Secret sins make us lukewarm Christians.
• Secret sins make us powerless Christians.
• Secret sins keep us in demonic bondage.
√ Identity the sin(s) and Repent.
√ After repentance, don't hold on to the sin any longer. Let it go.
√ Trust God to help you not to go back.
√ Avoid things/people that will make you sin.
√ Spend much time in prayer and Bible studies.
√ Exercise self control and be disciplined.
Secret sins include but not limited to sexual sins like pornography, masturbation, sex etc. All these are controlled by the strong spirit of lust. These are things that have kept a lot of Christian youth in bondage. We must deal with these things before they destroy us. It is not what we do before humans that matter, it is what we do when we are alone that define us. Secret sins might be unknown to our friends but God sees them and He is calling on us to repent now and seek His Grace.