Breakfast With Christ - Come Home
"I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee"
Welcome to BWC. The above scripture is an excerpt from the story of the prodigal son recorded in Luke 15:11-32. This is one of the most popular parables of Jesus. Today, we will look at some lessons we can pick from this story.
A certain man had two sons. One day, the younger one decided to take his inheritance and travel away from the father. So he went to a far away country and wasted his money on lavish lifestyle. When he had nothing, he decided to work in a pig farm but no one gave him food. He later regretted his mistake and decided to go back home and ask his father for forgiveness. Back home, his father received him and threw a party for him. What lessons can we pick from this story?
A lot of us Christians get so hard on ourselves when we make mistakes. The fact is that so long as we remain humans, we will make mistakes. The prodigal son made a mistake by leaving his father. But his mistake wasn't the end of his story.
This is perhaps the most important aspect of this story. The mistake was bad, but there has to be a time when we will pause and decide to go back home to God and repent. When we make mistakes, God wants us to repent and come home to Him.
The prodigal son's father had every right to be angry with him and even reject him. But no, he accepted him back with opened arms and threw a party for him. That was an amazing love. We need to understand that God doesn't want us to sin but when we sin, he isn't angry with us. He wants us to repent and come back to Him. God loves us so much.
Brethren, a lot of us might be in the position of the prodigal son today, we might have fallen to some sins or made some serious mistakes that has taken us away from God. God isn't angry with you, He is waiting for you with opened arms. Just go back home. No need to continue in the sin, today, make a decision to return to God. God will accept you and Heaven will rejoice. God loves you. He is waiting for you to return to Him. Stay blessed!
Father, today I come before you and I thank you for your love. Please forgive me for all my wrongs and give me the Grace to live for you. Amen.