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Breakfast With Christ - Faith Like A Child




"And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Welcome to BWC. In our scripture for today, Jesus told the people gathered around Him that they must become like children if they are to enter into the Kingdom of God. What does it mean to be like a child. What attributes of children was Jesus asking us to emulate in order for us to enter into the kingdom of God?

Have you ever noticed the special relationship children have with their fathers? For a child, his/her father is a hero. A child has absolute trust in his/her dad. Once a father promised his child something, the child believes the father will honour his promise. Children have complete faith in their fathers to always be there for them. A child also completely depends on his/her father for survival.

For us to walk with God and enter into the kingdom of God. We need to have the kind of faith a child has in his father. We need to come to the point where we completely depend on God with our lives. We need to have absolute faith in God. We need to become like children and understand that God is our almighty Father. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

God wants us to trust, have faith and depend on Him like the way children depend on their parents. When children are about to cross a road, they hold their fathers' hand and trust their fathers to help them cross safely. As children of God, we need to hold God's Hands and trust God to guide us through life. When then journey gets tough, we don't need to let go of God's hand, we need to have faith and hold on tightly.

Child of God, the God you serve is Big, very Big. Bigger than Heaven and Earth. If you could trust your human parents to take care of you when you were young, why can't you trust God to take care of you now? Why do you doubt God? Hasn't God proven to you all these years that He will take care of you? Your human parents might have failed you before but your Heavenly Father will never fail you. He has a plan for you, you simply have to completely trust and depend on Him. Have a faith like a child. Never doubt God again. Stay blessed!


Thank you Lord for your unfailing love. Please help me to trust you more and depend on you totally. Amen.

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