Breakfast With Christ - God Cares
SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 5:7
"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
Welcome to BWC. Have you ever asked yourself "who cares for me"? Have you ever felt no one cares? Well, today God is telling you cares. Even if no one cares, God cares.
God cares about what we eat, He cares about what we wear, He cares about our relationships, He cares about our future, He cares about our jobs. God simply cares about everything we do. God cares about every little detail about us. The scriptures tell us that God knows the number of hairs on our head. That's how much attention God pays to each one of us.
Our human parents might decide to abandone us, friends might decide not to care but God will always care for His own. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have, if you have God you have everything.
Sometimes we are erroneously told that God is only interested in our spiritual lives. So some of us don't pray before going into love relationships or even before choosing career paths or applying for a job. We feel God isn't interested in those stuff about us.
The truth however is that God is very interested in our love relationships. He is interested in the kind of job we do. Who we decide to date or marry can make or break us so God cares about it. He wants us to talk to Him about our relationships. He cares about what we do with our love partners. God wants to be present in every aspect of our lives.
It is not true that Christianity is only about our hearts. God indeed cares about the purity of our hearts but Christianity is a lifestyle, this includes everything we do. God cares about the way we dress as Christians. He cares about the way we talk and the company we keep. Our outward appearance is as important as the state of our hearts.
Friend, God cares about you. Your whole life, He cares about it. Never feel no one cares, your Father in Heaven cares. God loves you and He cares about you. He promised to provide all your needs and He will. Feel free to talk to God about anything, He loves to hear from you. Stay blessed!
Lord, thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for caring for me. Amen