Breakfast With Christ - The Power To Witness
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Welcome to BWC. Over the past few days, we have been looking at the personality of the Holy Spirit. Today, we look at another amazing role the Holy Spirit plays in the believer.
The last instruction Jesus gave to His disciples was for them to wait in Jerusalem for the arrival of the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit was to give them power. Power to do what? Power to be witnesses of Jesus Christ to the world.
Who is a witness? Simply, a witness is an "evidence or a proof". When Jesus asked His disciples to be His witnesses, He was telling them to be evidences of His salvation work on earth. For the world to come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, those of us who already believe in Him must be Christ's witnesses to the world. Are we doing it?
On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the 120 followers of Christ gathered in the room, they instantly received power. Peter who couldn't even be a witness of Jesus to a slave girl(Matt 26:69) got filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and boldly preached to thousands of people. When Jesus was arrested, all the disciples dispersed out of fear but when they got filled with the Holy Spirit, these same disciples went out boldly preaching in the streets.
Dear friend, if you have the Holy Spirit then you have the greatest power in the world. But this power isn't given to you to stay dormant in you. You need to use this power to be a witness of Christ to this world. The basic duty of every believer is to win souls for Christ through being a witness of Christ.
There is however different means of being a witness of Christ. Note that, there is a difference between Witnessing and Evangelism. In our next breakfast, we will look at this difference and how we can be effective witnesses for Christ. Stay blessed!
Lord, thank you for giving me the power to be your witness. Please help me fulfill this duty. Amen