Try One More Time
Are you on the verge of giving up on God? Are you on the verge of giving up on that business? Have you tried all you can but you are still not able to pass that examination? Are you so broken and tired of life that you just feel like giving up on everything? Hold on, God has a message for you today.
One day, Jesus met Peter in his boat(Luke 5:4-8). It is worth noting that Jesus' first encounter with Peter was at a point where Peter had given up on catching fish that day. I am sure Peter and his friends were wondering what they were going to eat that day. However, that day the Lord of Heaven and earth including the sea was in the boat. Failure wasn't an option.
I guess Jesus was trying to say to Peter: "hey Peter I know you have tried all night and have failed, you have given up but I am here now, just try one more time". Some of us might be in the situation Peter and His friends were in, we have tried all we could but nothing seems to be working for us. Everything seems to be in a mess. Our relationships, our finances, our education and our spiritual lives. We are tired and on the verge of giving up.
Today, God is saying don't give up yet. Try again one more time. Have you tried all you can to overcome that addiction and failed? Jesus says try one more time. Have you tried all you can to have a stable marriage/relationship but have failed? Don't give up, try one more time. Have you tried all you can to walk with God but have found it so difficult? Don't give up, Jesus says try one more time. Have you tried to set up a business but have failed? Don't give up, Jesus says try one more time. Just try again, but this time, do it with God.
You are not trying to see if you will succeed, you are trying one more time because God has already granted you success. The same God that made Peter caught fish after he had failed several times is the same God that will cause you to succeed this time. No matter what happens, don't give up because God has not given up on you. God bless you.