Breakfast With Christ - The Role Of The Holy Spirit
“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever"
Welcome to BWC, the best gift God gave the believer is the Holy Spirit. It is such a great privilege to have the Spirit of God dwelling in us. Yet most of us don't know Him neither do we know the roles He plays in our lives. Today, let's look at one of those roles.
The Greek word "parakletos" as translated in the English Bible means "Helper, Comforter, advocate, assistant and intercessor". When Jesus was about to leave this earth, He promised the disciples He will send them "another parakletos". Jesus was in essence saying He was leaving this world but another Person like Him will come who will be with His followers forever.
When Jesus was on earth, He was their parakletos, but He was leaving so there was the need for another parakletos. In effect, the Holy Spirit performs the same functions in our lives as Jesus would have done if He were here physically with us. The Holy Spirit is not lesser than Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper. He helps us to live for God. To be born again, means to be born of the Holy Spirit. So we live as followers of Christ because the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do so. On our own, we would never be able to live as Christians. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray, He helps us to read and understand God's Word, He helps us to overcome sin and He helps us to do God's Will.
As our comforter, the Holy Spirit Comforts us when we are weak or sad. When we are going through difficult times, the Spirit of God is with us to give us strength. The thing is that He does all these so silently that you might take His presence for granted. As Christians, we are never alone, the Spirit of God is always with us. It doesn't matter if you feel His presence or not, you need to believe that He is with you forever.
Brethren, for us to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit, we need to develop an intimate relationship with Him. We cannot see Him, but He is surely with us. Let's develop the habit of spending more time in the presence of God. We will continue looking at the roles of the Holy Spirit in our next BWC. Stay blessed!
Thank you Father for giving us your Spirit. Amen