The Shortcut Generation
Today, we live in a world which has developed so many short and easier ways of doing things. Now, we have fast-foods which take less than 5 minutes to prepare. Technology has made life simpler. It is okay to have easier ways of doing things in the world but when it comes to our walk with God, there isn't any easy way out. There are no shortcuts to serving God.
Unfortunately, we have become a generation of believers who are trying to find shortcuts to worshipping God. We have forgotten that 'long-suffering' or 'patience' is also a fruit of the Spirit(Galatians 5:22 KJV). We need to understand that narrow is the road that leads to Heaven. This road isn't an easy one. It is full of troubles, persecutions and trials. If we want to get to Heaven, we need to go through the hard way.
We need to dispel the notion that when we are going through troubles then it means God is punishing us for our sins. Suffering is part of the Christian life. Unfortunately, we are a generation which hates to suffer for the Cross of Jesus. The earliest generation of believers were constantly being threatened with death and imprisonment yet most of them stood for their faith.
We are a generation of believers who skip church simply because we don't know what to wear to church. We are a generation of believers who value material things more than God. We are a generation which chase after miracles, signs and wonders. The desire to be rich has replaced the desire to establish a strong relationship with God in our lives. We are a shortcut generation of believers.
This is a generation which believes it is possible to follow Jesus and still hold on to worldly pleasures. We are finding easy and convenient ways of worshipping God. The acts of the Apostles was written in the Bible to teach us how to live as true followers of Christ. Please spend time reading the Book of Acts.
The good news is that God's Mercy endures forever. But we can't take it for granted. We need to repent and live the life Jesus wants us to live as His followers. We need to renounce the pleasures of this world, take up our crosses and follow Jesus in obedience. There are no shortcuts to Heaven, the narrow road is the only way. That narrow road is JESUS CHRIST. God bless you.