Breakfast With Christ - The Personality Of The Holy Spirit
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;..."
Welcome to BWC. It is an undeniable fact that the least known and least appreciated member of the God-headed body is the HOLY SPIRIT. Yet the Holy Spirit is equal to the other members of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit is so important in our lives as Christians that we need to study about Him. For the next few days, we will focus our breakfast on getting to know about the Holy Spirit of God.
The Holy Trinity comprises God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is considered the third Person of the God-headed Trinity. This doesn't mean He is lesser than the Father or the Son. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The term "Holy Spirit" comes from two Greek words 'hagion' meaning Holy and 'pneuma' meaning Spirit.
There are lots of misconceptions about the Holy Spirit, some people call Him the 'force of God', some say He is just an air. The Holy Spirit is however a PERSON. To deny the personality of the Holy Spirit is to deny the existence of God.
The Holy Spirit was present when this world was created (Genesis 1:2). Before the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit of God wasn't a permanent feature on this earth. In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God came upon Prophets and ordinary men to accomplish specific tasks for God. In the New Testament, when Jesus was on earth, the Spirit of God dwelt in Him alone. No one else had the Holy Spirit.
Through out His ministry, Jesus constantly promised His disciples the Holy Spirit(John 14:16-18). We are Christians because we are followers of Christ but what enables us live as Christians is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us power to live for Christ.
The Holy Spirit is just as real as Jesus Christ. Whilst Jesus Christ was the physical manifestation of God, the Holy Spirit is the Working Spirit of God. Everything God does is through His Spirit. The Holy Spirit brought Jesus into this world, it is was the same Holy Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the grave.
The Holy Spirit is incredibly important in our lives. In out next breakfast, we will look at the various roles the Holy Spirit plays in our lives. Stay blessed.
Thank you Father for giving us your Spirit. Amen.