Breakfast With Christ - Reflection
SCRIPTURE:1 PETER 3:18 "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God..."
Welcome to BWC. Today, as we remember the price Christ paid for us on the Cross, let's all look deep within ourselves and do some soul searching. Let us reflect on the message of the Cross and see if we are living in ways that pleases God.
Jesus died for all not just the Jews or Israelites. Jesus died for everyone including you. But His sacrifice will be in vain if we don't renounce our sins and live for Him. Today, I want to urge you to look at yourself and see if you are truly living for Jesus Christ. Let these questions guide you.
1. Are you really born again? 2. Does your life reflect the life of Jesus Christ? 3. How committed are you to the work of God? 4. How much time do you spend with God? Do you even make time for Him at all? 5. Are you prepared for the second coming of Christ? 6. Do you respond to the Spirit of God or you respond to the desires of your flesh? 7. If you should die today, will you go to Heaven? Are you sure?
I pray that the Spirit of God guides you to answer these questions faithfully. May God help us to live for Him. Stay blessed!
Prayer line: Lord, I am ever grateful for your work on the Cross for me. Please help me to know you better. Amen.