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Breakfast With Christ - The Darkest Hours




"From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land".

A lot of things happened when our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the Cross. One of the most important signs that accompanied His crucifixion was total darkness all over the land for 3 hours. Some historians claim this was just a simple eclipse of the sun but there are evidences to prove that it wasn't an eclipse.

When Jesus laid on that Cross at Golgotha, all the sins of humanity was laid on Him. A sinless man became sin. All the torments we were to experience in hell was laid on Him. All our curses, sickness and condemnation was laid upon Him. Jesus felt the full burden of our sins. He did this for you and me.

Whilst Jesus was in this state, darkness came upon the surface of the land for 3 hours. Jesus not only bore our sins, He took upon Himself our darkness. This was a crucial moment in human history, the Lord of light had to experience darkness on our behalf. Jesus took our darkness and gave us His light so those who believe in Him will no longer walk in darkness.

Friends, what Jesus experienced on the Cross for our sake wasn't a joke. He did all that for us. No amount of suffering we go through now can be equal to what Jesus bore on that Cross for us. We have no excuse not to give our lives to Jesus and be faithful to Him.

If you are reading this and you haven't yet given your life to Christ, please I want to urge you to make that decision now. He took your sins upon Himself so that you will be free from sin and darkness. To reject Jesus is to reject eternal life in Heaven. Without Jesus, you won't get to Heaven.

Please make that decision now. It doesn't matter what you have done, God loves you and wants you to be saved from Satan. God wants to see you in Heaven. Choose Jesus today. God bless you.

Prayer line:

Lord, I am forever grateful to you for going through all that pain to save me. Please have mercy upon me and save me from my sins. Amen.

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Accra, Ghana

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