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Bible Studies - Noah And The Flood


In Genesis chapters 6,7 and 8, the Bible recorded the biggest flood to ever hit humanity. According to the Bible, God saw that man had become too sinful. There was wickedness everywhere. This situation grieved God's heart so much that He decided to destroy the earth using a flood(Genesis 6:5-7).

There was however one man who found favour in the sight of the Lord, he is Noah(Gen. 6:8). The Bible described him as righteous. God then told Noah to make an ark which will protect him, his family and a pair of all living creatures from the flood (Gen. 6:13-22). This was done to prevent a total extinction of God's creations.

When the ark was done, God allowed rain to fall for forty days and forty nights( Gen. 7:12). Noah was 600 years when the flood took place. After close to twelve months, when that water had dried up, God called Noah out of the ark and told him and his sons to multiply and fill the earth. In total, eight people were saved in the ark. This Biblical story has some lessons for us.


The main reason God decided to destroy the earth was because of sin. God's hatred for sin cannot be overemphasized. Man was living in sin to the extent that it got God sad. Similarly, later in the Bible, God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah too because of their sins(Gen. 19:24).


Even though God found the whole of humanity sinful, Noah was different. Noah walked with God and was righteous. This pleased God and when He decided to destroy the earth, He saved Noah and his family. This tells us one thing, if we walk with God and we are faithful, He will reward us just as He will punish those who are sinful.


The Bible tells us in Genesis 6:6 that God was greatly grieved by the sins of humanity. Yet after he destroyed the sinful ones, He made a covenant with humanity never again to destroy the whole world using water(Genesis 9:11). This covenant is revealed in the rainbow. This covenant depicts God's love for mankind. Even in His anger, God still loves us.

Noah was a descendant of Seth(Adam and Eve's third son). All the men who were saved in the flood were the sons of Noah. Which means Cain's sinful descendants were all destroyed in the flood. This means the whole of humanity now are descendants of the righteous Noah. Through the flood, God dealt with the wicked act Cain committed by killing Abel.

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