Is Life Meaningless?
So many people believe life has no meaning. Some people believe life is just a futile repetitions of daily routines. No meaning at all. A human being is born, goes through life and dies. This undeniable cycle of human existence led some people to believe there is no meaning to life. But how true is this?
The myth of Sisyphus is a popular story in Greek mythology. This story is commonly used to depict how meaningless human life is. According to this story, Sisyphus who was a very wise person, offended the gods. His crime is not exactly known. For his punishment, he was told to roll a heavy rock up a mountain.
However, any time he rolls the rock to the top of the mountain, the rock rolls back to the starting point. The gods had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor for Sisyphus.For some people, the human life on earth is similar to the punishment of Sisyphus.
The truth however is that on the surface, life might appear to be a meaningless repetition of futile daily routines but there is surely a meaning to our lives here. We can however only identify that meaning through PURPOSE. A purposeful life is not a meaningless life. Without purpose, our lives really have no meaning.
Each one of us is created by God and given a purpose to achieve in life. Our job is to identify that purpose and fulfil it. We can only identify that purpose when our lives are connected to God. Just as every human invention has a specific purpose, God also created us with a purpose. When you find your purpose in life, your life ceases to be just daily repetitions of daily routines.
The meaning of life is in God and that meaning is revealed in the purpose for which he created us. To live a meaningful life, you need to identify your purpose in life and fulfill that purpose.
So many people believe life has no meaning. Some people believe life is just a futile repetitions of daily routines. No meaning at all. A human being is born, goes through life and dies. This undeniable cycle of human existence led some people to believe there is no meaning to life. But how true is this?
The myth of Sisyphus is a popular story in Greek mythology. This story is commonly used to depict how meaningless human life is. According to this story, Sisyphus who was a very wise person, offended the gods. His crime is not exactly known. For his punishment, he was told to roll a heavy rock up a mountain.
However, any time he rolls the rock to the top of the mountain, the rock rolls back to the starting point. The gods had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor for Sisyphus.For some people, the human life on earth is similar to the punishment of Sisyphus.
The truth however is that on the surface, life might appear to be a meaningless repetition of futile daily routines but there is surely a meaning to our lives here. We can however only identify that meaning through PURPOSE. A purposeful life is not a meaningless life. Without purpose, our lives really have no meaning.
Each one of us is created by God and given a purpose to achieve in life. Our job is to identify that purpose and fulfil it. We can only identify that purpose when our lives are connected to God. Just as every human invention has a specific purpose, God also created us with a purpose. When you find your purpose in life, your life ceases to be just daily repetitions of daily routines.