Enemy Within
"Beware of no man more than yourself, we carry our worst enemies within us"
- Charles Spurgeon.
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you"
- Winston Churchill.
Most of us go through life fighting the wrong enemies. We blame Satan for everything that happens to us and ignore our own mistakes. It is very normal to see some Africans blame witches and dark powers for their lack of progress in life. However, the truth is that we are our biggest enemies.
The only enemy strong enough to retard your progress in life is yourself. If you are not progressing in life as you want, please leave that poor witch alone and begin to look within you for answers. It is very possible you might be doing something wrong. Life operates on principles.
If you spend all your time watching television or chatting on your phone instead of studying, don't blame Satan when you fail your exams. If you don't take your job seriously and you get sacked, don't blame Satan. If you decide to change sexual partners as frequent as you changed your clothes and you end up getting an infectious disease, don't blame Satan. Let's begin to take responsibility for our own actions.
When God created us, He gave us all the things we need to succeed on earth. If we should abide by the principles of God, not even Satan can stop us from succeeding in whatever we do. The issue is that most of us have either ignored the Word of God or we don't know how to apply it.
No enemy is stronger than the one within us. To succeed in life, we need to deal with that enemy within us which keeps telling is that we are not good enough. That enemy in our minds which keep discouraging us. Let us fill our minds with positive thoughts. Satan cannot make us fail in life if we abide by the principles of God.