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God's Generals - Billy Graham


BILLY GRAHAM (1918-2018)

" My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which I believe comes through knowing Christ". Billy Graham.

Evangelist Billy Graham perhaps was the most popular and most successful preacher of modern Christianity. During his ministry which lasted for about 83 years, Graham touched many lives with the Gospel of Christ. Graham was known as the pastor of the American nation. He was an advisor to every American President that came into power during his ministerial years.


William (Billy) Franklin Graham Jr. was born on November 7, 1918. Graham received quality education from his strict dad. At age 16, Graham heard a message on sin and repentance from the radical evangelist Mordecai Ham at a revival meeting and gave his life to Christ.

In 1937, Graham entered the Florida Bible Institute and graduated with a bachelor degree in theology. In 1939, Graham was ordained a Baptist Minister.


Graham first Pastored an Illinois church before joining Youth for Christ, an evangelistic missionary group.

Billy Graham and his associates established the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Billy Graham organized over 400 crusades in about 185 countries on 6 continents with an average audience of over 215 million.

In 1992, in one of his crusades, it was recorded that over 155,000 responded to his altar call and gave their lives to Christ. Graham was credited to preaching to more individuals than anyone else in history.

Billy Graham used the media as a means of spreading the gospel of Christ. Through his radio and TV broadcast, He reached billions of people around the world. Graham's BGEA created 'Christianity Today' in 1955, a magazine which remained the leading journal for evangelistical Christianity.

Billy Graham wrote about 33 books in his ministerial journey of which "JUST AS I AM" remained one of his most popular books.

On 21st February, 2018, the world woke up to the news that this great man of God had passed away at the glorious age of 99 years. For about 60 times, Graham was voted as one of the ten most admired men in the world. Billy Graham would be remembered as a truly great God's General who shook the world with the power of the Gospel of Christ. May he rest with the Lord.


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