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Kingdom Mindset

A kingdom is a territory ruled by a king or a queen. In Ghana for example, we have the Ashanti kingdom ruled by the Asantehene. There are several kingdoms all over the world. Every kingdom is under the authority of the ruler. As Christians, we belong to a higher spiritual authority. We belong to the Kingdom of God where Jesus Christ is the King. We are therefore subject to the Supreme authority of God.


As citizens of God's kingdom, we need to have the mindset of the Kingdom. We need to be prepared to obey the instructions of our King. Our major role as citizens is to promote the growth of our Kingdom. The mindset we need to have is to understand that we do not belong to this earth. Our lives here are temporary therefore, we cannot busy ourselves with the affairs of this world and ignore our Heavenly kingdom's business.


The number one business of God's Kingdom is SOUL WINNING. There are no two ways about this. The Bible says Heaven rejoices when a soul is won. Soul winning is the heartbeat of God. Whiles our King was on earth, His main agenda was to win souls for the kingdom of God. This has to be our mindset too. Whether we are singing, performing miracles or prophesying to people, our ultimate aim must be to win souls for our Heavenly Kingdom.

We need to get serious with our kingdom's business. We are in a soul winning battle with Satan. We cannot afford to relax. Before Jesus left this earth, one of His last instructions to us is for us to win souls for Him. Soul winning is God's main business, if you are part of His kingdom, it has to be your main business too.

+233 244453421

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Accra, Ghana

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