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Sunday Bible Studies - The Fall Of Man



GENESIS 3:1-24

God created man and placed man into the Garden of Eden to take care of it(Genesis 2:15). Of all the trees that were in the garden, God commanded man not to eat of the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. One day, the serpent visited Eve and deceived her into eating the fruit of the tree. When Eve realized it was tasty, she gave it to Adam too and he also ate. That single act of disobedience signalled the fall of man and introduced sin into this world.

The actions of Adam and Eve had generational consequences. God later pronounced a curse on them which was to affect all human beings born into this world. So what was the significance of the first fall of man?


The first and the most devastating consequence of Adam and Eve's disobedience was that it introduced sin into this world. When God created this world as recorded in Genesis 1 and 2, everything was perfect until Adam and Eve sinned. According to Paul in Romans 5:19, all of us were made sinners as a result of one man's disobedience. No matter who you are if you were born by the seed of a man, you were born in sin which automatically makes you a sinner. Sickness, suffering and pain are all results of sin. Sin was an eternal issue for humanity until Jesus Christ died and resurrected to cancel the consequences of Adam's sins.


"For by one man's offense, death reigned through the one" Romans 5:17a. In Genesis 2:17, God told Adam the consequence of disobeying Him would be death. In Genesis 3:4, the serpent told Eve that she won't die if she should eat of the tree. The serpent was more or less telling Eve that God lied to them. The death God spoke about was in two folds, physical death and spiritual death. When man sinned, man died spiritually instantly. Man was no longer the perfect being God created. Man was corrupted with evil. Now, man was created to live forever and not die. But Adam and Eve later died physically as a result of their disobedience.


Man was created to dominate the earth. God created man to be gods on earth. But when Adam and Eve sinned, they handed over that authority to Satan. Man wasn't created to obey Satan. Now, the world is under the control of Satan because of sin. Man no longer has any spiritual authority on this earth.


One of the main consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience was that God banished man from the Garden of Eden, in essence, from His presence. Before the sin, man enjoyed an intimate communion with God. Man stayed in the presence of God. But man lost this when he sinned. God became distant from man. However, the death of Jesus later restored this relationship.

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