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Breakfast With Christ - Birthright For Sale




" he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob".

Our scripture today is taken from the biblical story of how Esau sold his birthright to his younger twin brother, Jacob for a bowl of stew and bread. Birthright is the special privilege and benefits belonging to the first born son among the Jews.

For us Christians, we have our birthright in Christ Jesus by virtue of being born again. In Colosians 1:12, Apostle Paul wrote about our inheritance in Christ. We are heirs to the riches of the kingdom of God. In Christ, our birthright, is eternal life. Being born again in Christ gives us unlimited access to all spiritual blessings. Our birthright isn't temporary, God has called us out of darkness to the fullness of life in Christ Jesus. But just like Esau, most of us take these birthrights for granted and sell them for earthly pleasures.

Some of us give up our relationship with God just to satisfy the desires of our flesh. Esau gave up his birthright for food, today, some of us give up our salvation for money, fame and temporary gains. We get so much attached to earthly pleasures that we forget about inheritance in Christ. Nothing in this world is worth our inheritance in Christ. Some people also sell their souls to Satan all because of money and temporary fame.

Brethren, we need to take our salvation seriously. Everything in this world is temporary but our birthright in Christ is eternal. Don't sacrifice your salvation for some temporary pleasures. Sin destroys our relationship with God. If we continue living in unrepentant sin, we would lose our birthright in Christ. Esau, lost all the spiritual authority of being the first son all because of food.

No matter the circumstances or pressure from this world, be careful not to sacrifice your relationship with God all because of few minutes of carnal pleasure. Be firm, be strong and reject sin. Let's hold tightly our birthright in Christ and let's walk in holiness. Stay blessed!

Prayer line:

Father, thank you for saving me and making me a heir to your kingdom. Please give me the Grace to overcome all sinful pleasures and hold on to my birthright in you. Amen

Further Scripture Reading

Genesis 25:31-34

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