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Breakfast With Christ - Christ, Our Only Hope




"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

This statement by Jesus Christ as recorded in John's gospel has to be one of the boldest statements ever made by Jesus Christ. Jesus made this very bold statement at a time when the Jewish leaders were clamouring for His blood. They simply didn't understand how a man can make himself equal to God. The Jewish leaders had trouble accepting the divinity of Jesus Christ. In John 10:30, Jesus had already declared He and God are one. Now, He is declaring He is the only way to God. That was a difficult thing for the Jews to understand. But it was the truth.

When man fell in the garden of Eden, we lost our relationship with God. We no longer had direct access to the throne of God. Only the priest was allowed into the presence of God once a year to offer sacrifices on behalf of the Israelites. Man's relationship with God was very distant. This continued until Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us. His death bridged the gap between us and our Father in Heaven.

Without Jesus Christ, we would still be condemned to eternal death in hell fire. We absolutely have no hope without Jesus Christ. Jesus isn't our biggest hope, He is our ONLY hope of making it to heaven. We have no salvation without Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to God.

Jesus did for us what no religious leader did for his followers. He died on the Cross to save us from the consequences of our sins. That is why Jesus is our Savior not our religious leader. We were marked for death, that was the punishment for our sins. But Jesus took all that upon Himself and gave us life, abundant life. So that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

Brethren, we are not people without hope in this world. All our toils for the Gospel of Christ will be rewarded one day. Don't give up on serving God no matter how hard it gets. Christ in us, the hope of eternal Glory. Jesus Christ remains our only hope in this world and He will never disappoint those who put their trust in Him. Stay blessed!

Prayer line:

Father, thank you for sending your Son to die for my sins. I place my hope firmly in you. May you save me in your amazing Grace. Amen.

Further Scripture Reading

Colossians 1:27

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