Breakfast With Christ - How To Wait On God
SCRIPTURE: Micah 7:7
"But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me".
In our previous edition of BWC, we looked at some of the reasons God makes us wait a while before He answers our prayers. Today, we will look at how we can wait on God.
Waiting can be a very difficult experience. There are two ways people wait on God: passively and actively. To wait passively is to pray then fold your arms and hope that God answers you. Active waiting is to pray and whilst you are waiting for God to answer you, you continue to pray consistently. Many a time, passive waiting doesn't achieve much results. Today, we will look at how we can on God actively.
While waiting on God, we need to continue praying. The Bible encourages us to pray without ceasing. In Daniel 10, Daniel, in responding to a vision he had, prayed and fasted for 21 days. When he prayed, God released an angel to send him an answer but the "Prince of Persia" which is a demon held up the angel until archangel Michael came to fight and released the angel to give Daniel the answer.
This is our lesson, Daniel waited on God for 21 days for God to answer him, meanwhile his answer was released on the first day of his prayer but he didn't receive it. I am certain God sent angel Michael to release Daniel's answer because Daniel continued praying while waiting for his answer. If we really want God to answer our prayers, we can't just pray once and stop. We need to be consistent with our prayers.
We also need to wait on God with a thankful heart. When we pray and we don't get instant answer from God, we don't need to start complaining and grumbling. That is the time to begin to praise God with a thankful heart. It is good to thank God for what he has already done for us but it is even better when we thank Him in advance for prayers He is yet to answer.
Lastly, we need to have faith whilst waiting on God. God hears every prayer of the believer. This is something we must believe. When we pray, God hears us. While waiting on God can be difficult, if we do this with faith, it makes it easier for us. We need to trust God that He will never forsake us. If you are sick and you are praying for healing, you need to have faith that God will heal you no matter how long it takes. If your answer delays, don't lose heart, God will never fail you. Delay is never denial. Keep on praying and have faith in Him. Stay blessed!
Prayer line:
Father, I thank you for all that you have done for me. Please help me to have faith in you even if I don't get instant answers to my prayers. Amen
Further Scripture Reading
Daniel 10:1-14