Breakfast With Christ - The Greatest Act Of Worship
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship".
Over the past two editions of BWC, we have been looking at WORSHIP. We have looked at what worship is and the purpose of worship. Today, we look at the greatest act of true worship. There are different acts of worship recorded in the Bible, but the greatest form of worship which encompasses all other forms is SACRIFICE.
Sacrifice as a form of worship started right from the days of Adam. Genesis 4 recorded the first act of worship. Cain and Abel both offered burrnt offerings as sacrifice to God. The Bible said Abel gave his best to God. God in His sovereign wisdom rejected Cain's offering but accepted that of Abel. It wasn't stated as to why God rejected Cain's sacrifice.
However, later events in verse 8 gave an insight as to why God might have rejected Cain's sacrifice. Cain's heart was evil. His motive was wrong. So even though both brothers offered sacrifices of worship to God, one did it from an evil heart and was therefore rejected. Giving to God is a form of worship but it must come from a pure and a faithful heart.
Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Rome urged the believers to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice to God. In Genesis, Cain and Abel offered sacrifices from their occupations to God, which is a lesson for us today. But the biggest form of worship that God expects from us today is for us to offer our lives to Him.
On the Cross, Jesus died so that we will no longer live for ourselves but live for Him. God is calling us to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to Him. We need o reject all sinful pleasures of the flesh and offer our bodies to God. This is our greatest form of worship.
It is good to sing songs of worship to God, it is good to give our monies to Got but God is more interested in the sacrifice of our lives. When you offer your life to God as a sacrifice, God becomes your priority in life. Sin no longer attracts you. You live your life to the glory of God alone. This is what God demands from us today as our greatest act of worship to Him.
In our next BWC, we will look at who a true worshipper is. Stay blessed!
Prayer line:
Heavenly Father, today, I wholly offer my life to you as my highest act of worship. Help me to live for you. Amen.
Further Scripture Reading
Genesis 4:1-8