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The Necessity Of Conduct (Part 1)

Paul spent a lot of time talking about the position of the believer, but he also spend a lot of time speaking of the conduct of the believer and this must not be overlooked.

In fact it's dangerous to overlook that. The conduct of the believer is equally important as the position of the believer. The only difference is that knowing your position is the foundation for expressing good conduct.

Now when I talk about the conduct, am not talking about works from human strength through the obedience of the law so don't get it wrong.

I am also not balancing the Grace gospel when I talk of conduct because Paul carefully talked about conduct.

For example; If someone becomes a president of a nation, there is a way he carries himself about. There are places he cannot visit again if he did before, there are some words he cannot use again if he did before and there are certain attitudes he should not exhibit if he did before. Now does he do that because he is afraid of losing the position? No, he does it because the position does permit a certain kind of life and calls for that unique kind of behaviour. The citizens must see the president operate in that capacity and trust his competence.

This same applies to us as believers. Our position necessitates our conduct. Our conduct compliments our position. Our conducts express our position. Our conduct is not a product of fear of losing our position because our position in Christ is secured by the faithful High priest who through His blood obtained for us an eternal redemption. Our conduct is a product of knowing who we are and making a decision to live that out.

The expression of our conduct is not to gain more favor and acceptance or blessing from God or even to get more closer to Him. God cannot love His children more or less based on their faithfulness, He loves them based upon His faithfulness revealed in Christ (Christ is the ultimate proof of God's Love). Our conduct proves that we really know who we are and are conscious of it. Our position calls for the conduct or how we should live.

Paul spent three chapters in Ephesians talking about the position of the believer and spent almost three chapters addressing the conduct conduct of the believer and same applies to his other epistles (Colossians, Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Philippians etc). Eg. Read what Paul says about the conduct of behaviour of the believer:

Ephesians 4:24-32

And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore PUTTING AWAY LYING, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

BE ye ANGRY, and SIN NOT: let not the sun go down upon your WRATH:

Neither give place to the devil. LET HIM THAT STOLE STEAL NO MORE: but rather let him LABOUR, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

LET NO CORRUPT COMMUNICATION proceed out of YOUR MOUTH, but that which is good to the use of EDIFYING, that it may minister grace unto the HEARERS.

And GRIEVE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Let all BITTERNESS, and WRATH, and ANGER, and CLAMOUR, and EVIL SPEAKING, be put away from you, with all MALICE:


......... Lying isn't a good thing because it portrays dishonesty and destroys relationship.

.......... Anger is very destructive and you need to control your temper.

.......... Taking what belongs to another person is called stealing and it's not a good practice. You need to stop because you have the nature of God in you that doesn't do that. Paul didn't say the believer who stole would go to hell, he told them Find a job to do. (Lool)

.......... Don't use corrupt words, abusive words, filthy words and unwholesome words that don't edify or hurt people. It grieves the Holy Spirit.

.......... Be kind and generous to others and be forgiving and patient towards others who treat you unfairly.

This is just one aspect of the conduct of the believer and failing to recognize and live this life proves immaturity, ignorance, pride and abuse of position.

Grace sets you on the motion to serve, sacrifice for others and live as though someone has purchased and washed you with His previous blood. To be continued

You're blessed.

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