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Breakfast With Christ - Thanks Always




"And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks:and he was a Samaritan."

Your attitude determines your altitude in life. Friends, the only thing God demands when He does something for us is for us to express our earnest gratitude. The above passage reveals the conduct of one of the ten lepers after they became conscious of their healing. We realize there is blessings in showing appreciation. This tremendous act of the leper teaches us five (5) strong benefits/ reward in giving thanks.

🔅 Thanksgiving reveals humility.

🔅 Thanksgiving authorizes discipleship

🔅 Thanksgiving shows contentment (James 6: 6)

🔅 It makes our faithfulness known to God

🔅 Finally, Thanksgiving is the vehicle for acceleration to greater heights in life.

Are you going to give thanks brethren? Or rather keep on wallowing in that predicament in your life? Just leave your problems unattended, and lift up your heads with holy heart and holy hands, tell God I thank you this morning. Remember that the same boiling water that softens the potatoes, hardens the egg. This means it is your attitude that will determine whether you would step free from all the entanglement in life.

Therefore, the formula to reflect on in life is, (E + R = O). Meaning, the Event you are experiencing with your Responses determine the Outcome.

Give thanks when everything goes on well with you, Give thanks in tribulation, Give thanks Always. Be blessed!

Prayer line:

Lord, I am grateful for all that you have done for me. Even when I didn't deserve it, you still blessed me. Thank you Father.

Further Scripture Reading:

1 Timothy 6: 6-11

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