God's Generals - Saint Augustine
Augustine is perhaps one of the greatest defenders of the Christian faith. Augustine is one of the few men to have been accorded the prominent title "Doctor of the Church". Augustine was one of the most important figures in early Christianity since the Apostle Paul and one whose influence on western Christianity still lingers on today. He is seen as one of the fathers of western Christianity.
Despite his huge influence on Christianity, Augustine didn't grow up as a Christian. In fact it wasn't until he was 32 years old that he converted into Christianity. In his early years, Augustine lived a wayward life full of women. His father who was a pagan offered him the best of western education but it was his prayerful mother who continually prayed for the young wayward Augustine.
Augustine studied the works of philosophers like Plato and followed other philosophical teachings and rejected the Bible completely. Though he was wealthy and well educated, Augustine realised his life was empty and lacked inner peace. One day, he saw a beggar laughing happily and he envied his state of happiness. He decided to find happiness in women but that didn't help either.
Augustine was one day invited by a friend to visit Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan. That meeting with Bishop Ambrose changed his life. Augustine gave his life to Christ. He devoted much of his time to studying the Bible. Eight years after his conversion, Augustine was made Bishop of Hippo in North Africa.
During his 35 years as Bishop, Augustine had a lasting influence on Christianity. He was a chief defender of the Christian faith. He preached vehemently against the false teaching in that era that a man can lead a good life and doesn't need God's grace. Most of Augustine's messages was based on the saving Grace of God. He was a chief defender of the Gospel of Grace.
Augustine wrote several treaties,two of his famous works are "confession" and "The City of God". Augustine's teachings have been described as the highest attainment of religion since the days of the Apostles. Many of the latter God's Generals like Martin Luther were heavily influenced by Augustine. Many of his teachings are also still being rallied upon today by the church.