God's Generals - Ambrosius Aurelius
Towards the end of the 4th century, the most prominent figure in western Christianity was Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan. Ambrose was referred to as the supreme defender of the True Faith. Ambrose was said to be the greatest force of righteousness at his time.
Ambrose was a magistrate of high repute. However in 374AD, he yielded to the call of God on his life and resigned from his high post. He also gave all his wealth and property to the poor. He was then baptized into the church. Ambrose became a famous preacher who focused on building up Christians and encouraging them to live a pure life.
Ambrose also composed several hymns, some of which are still being used today. Much of his greatness, however, lies in the spiritual authority he had over the emperors of his time.
Ambrose influenced Emperor Gratian to ban pagan worship in the Roman Empire. Through the influence of Ambrose, Gratian also removed pagan altars from the Senate house. By the end of the 4th century, paganism had bowed down to the authority of Christianity in the Roman provinces.
Until his death, Ambrose worked to establish the supremacy of the church of God. He fought for a church based on the deity of Jesus Christ. His death marked the end of the 4th century; an age of martyrs and the fall of paganism and the rise of Christianity. The church today celebrates this God's General for his contribution towards the growth of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire.