Breakfast With Christ - First Love
SCRIPTURE: Revelation 2:4
"But I have this against you, that you left your first love".
Revelations 2:1-7 contains an interesting letter Jesus ordered John to write to the church at Ephesus in the Roman empire. Christ found a lot of positives with the way the believers at Ephesus stood firm for their faith. But He had a problem with them, they had left their first love just like most of us now. So what does it mean to leave your first love?
Every new born again in Christ starts the Christian journey with with a lot of passion, zeal and love for the things of the Lord. The newly born again Christian is always first at church, the desire to learn more about Christ is very high at this stage. But for most of us, as time went on and the afflictions of this world began hitting us hard, we fell aside.
Some of us also used to be very active in the house of God. We were always eager to go and help clean the church auditorium, we were always eager to go for choir rehearsals, we used to evangelize every where we found ourselves. We hated sin. Our first love was the Lord. But now, we have fallen away from the faith we once held so firmly. We no longer care about evangelism, we no longer sing at church or even attend church regularly. We choose to spend time with our friends rather serve the Lord. Our Bibles have become decorations in our rooms. We no longer spend time in prayer to our God.
Today, Jesus is telling us to repent and return to our first love. Have you stopped praying? Please start praying again. Have you stopped going to church, please start going to church regularly. Start reading your Bible again. Let nothing keep you from serving God. Jesus warns us to repent before it is too late. Whatever you used to do at church for God, start doing it again.
Brethren, let's look deep into ourselves and see where have fallen and repent. It is not safe to remain in sin. Let us repent and return to our first love. God bless you.
Prayer line.
Father, please forgive me for leaving my first love. Please give me the Grace to serve you till my last breath. Amen.
Further Scripture Reading
Revelation 2:1-29, 3:22