Breakfast With Christ - The Second Adam
SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 15:45
"The Scriptures tell us, The first man, Adam, became a living person." But the last Adam--that is, Christ--is a life-giving Spirit".
The book of Genesis recorded the creation of Adam. Adam was created to be perfect and placed in the garden of Eden. Everything was fine until Adam sinned. Adam's 'mistake' had generational consequences. Adam's sin signaled a changed in man's relationship with God. Through Adam, sin entered the world. The human flesh was now corrupted. Humanity no longer had the perfect relationship with God.
Human beings were not made to fall sick nor die. Human beings were created to live forever. Sickness, pains and suffering were the consequences of sin. Since the first Adam was now a corrupted being, there was a need for a second Adam. A second Adam was needed to restore humanity back to our lost glory.
Since every descendant of Adam was born in sin, there was the need for someone else to be introduced into this world who wouldn't be of the seed of Adam. So God sent His own son to be incarnated by the Holy Spirit and born to save humanity from the consequences of Adam's sins. It took thousands of years for God's plan to materialize.
Jesus Christ was born to be the second Adam. Since He wasn't born of a man, He didn't have the seed of Adam hence He had the spiritual authority to save Humanity from sin. Jesus Christ was born as the second Adam to undo the works of the first Adam. No other person could save humanity from sin apart from Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was/is the only human being who was born into this world without a sin.
In our next Breakfast With Christ, we will look at how Jesus Christ, the second Adam wiped away the deadly works of the first Adam.
Prayer line:
Thank you Lord for sending your Son to come and save us from our sins. Amen
Further Scripture Reading
Romans 5:12-21