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Breakfast With Christ - A Sleeping Saviour




"Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping".

In our scripture for today, the disciples of Jesus Christ had a scary experience on the sea. They were in a boat with Jesus and some how they were hit with a storm. That was quiet surprising considering the fact that the Saviour of mankind was also in the boat with them. But that didn't surprise them, what surprised them was that Jesus was asleep even in the midst of the storm.

This story teaches us something very important, the presence of God in your life doesn't mean you won't go through storms in life. Again, the presence of the storm in your life doesnt mean God is absent.

We all go through situations when we feel God is absent. In fact, in those situations, it looks like nothing is working. Our prayers seems to go unanswered. God looks so silent. In fact sometimes it looks like Jesus was asleep in our lives.

Anytime God seems silent when we are in a storm, He is actually testing our faith. Today, are you facing any storm in your life? Is it a health storm? Relationship storm? Whatever it is, always remember it may look like Jesus is sleeping but it doesn't mean He isn't with you in the boat. Jesus is always present with us. Sometimes He may not be saying anything but it doesn't mean He has left us.

Brethren, let's keep up the faith. You may face storms but remember you are not alone. God is with you. The disciples were hit with a storm even with Jesus in the boat, but the storm didn't sink the boat. God will allow certain storms to hit you hard but they won't destroy you. Sometimes you may go through things and you feel your end has come but God is telling you the storms will be over. Just have faith and endure. God bless you.

Prayer line:

Father, please help me to endure every storm that may come my way. Lord, may my faith never fail me. Amen

Further Scripture Reading

Matthew 8:20-27

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