God's Goodness And Mercy
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” Psalm 23:6, NKJV.
Be excited to know that it is only a matter of time that God WILL bless you. It is only a matter of how He’s going to do it, who or what He’s going to use, and how He’s going to work out the challenge on your behalf.
How do you know? Because His Word says surely goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. Surely is a very strong expression made by a strong God regarding His goodness and mercy. It is certain. It is guaranteed. There’s no doubt or question about it. Some how, some way, in the midst of it all, He’s going to be good to you and He’s going to be merciful to you.
Their assignment is to follow you and bless you! Follow you and uphold you. Follow you and teach you. Follow you and favor you. Like a vehicle behind you on the highway, nothing can be done or nothing the enemy tries to do will prevent goodness and mercy from trailing you. As surely as you have breath, God is guaranteeing that He is going to bless you. He is faithful to complete the work He’s begun in you. He is a good God and withholds no good thing from those that walk uprightly before Him.
Remain patient my brother and continue to follow the Lord. As you follow the Lord, His goodness and mercy is following you. The priceless truth to receive is even if you’ve lost your way as His son, His goodness and mercy will pick you up. You’ll see SURELY nothing can stop them from following you. So let your praise be sure also. God’s going to find you and bless you!
Father, You are good and surely you are going to bless me. I just don’t know how, or when, but it is sure that goodness and mercy follow me! I receive it now! Help me to recognize this and be grateful to serve a good God. Lead me Holy Spirit and have Your way. In Jesus’ name, Amen and Amen.................
Psalm 23, 84:11 & 103
Good morning and you have a wonderful Thursday full of the Shekinah Glory of Jehovah God, Remain Blessed and Stay Winning Always Shalom Peace Love Joy Charis and Happiness be your Portion Forever in Jesus name Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!