Breakfast With Christ - The Omniscient God
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."
Omniscient is an English word which means "to know everything". In 'Christiandom', omniscient is an attribute given to God which means "the all knowing God". So does God really know everything? YES! God being omniscient means that He knows the past, the present and the future. Nothing escapes God. He knows everything from the smallest details to the biggest details.
David tells us in Psalm 147 that God knows the names of the stars. That is amazing considering the countless number of stars we have in the sky. Matthew told us in Matthew 10 that God knows the number of hairs on our head. That's super amazing.
God's message to Jeremiah in our opening scripture is very interesting. How is it possible that God even knew Jeremiah before he formed him? That is why He is the all-knowing God. He knows each one of us, yes including you.
Beloved, God knows you. It isn't a cliche, it is a divine truth. God knows all about you. Nothing about you is hidden from God. He knows every single detail about you including the number of hairs on your head. God knows your strength and your weaknesses. God indeed knows you better than yourself. He knew you before you were born, He knew your present circumstances before they even happened and He knows when and how you will die. God knows you.
Today, God wants you to understand that there is nothing happening in your life that is a surprise to Him. He knows all the mistakes you made yet He still loves you. He knows you are not strong enough to stand that is why He is asking you to depend on Him for strength. He knows all your weaknesses that's why His Grace is sufficient for you.
If God indeed knows all about us then let's trust Him to take care of us. No need to doubt a God that knows our future. Let's depend on Him for our survival and let's have faith that the Omniscient God will lead us to our expected end. Stay blessed.
Prayer line
Lord, I believe You are all knowing, please help me to trust you and depend on you totally. Amen
Further Scripture Readings
Jeremiah 1
Psalm 147
Matthew 10