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Breakfast With Christ - A King In A Manger



SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:12

"And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger".

One of the reasons the Jews doubted the divinity and kingship of Jesus was the conditions surrounding His birth. How can their Saviour be born into such a poor family? They wondered. Ever since the Prophets prophesied about the coming of the Messiah, the Jews had waited for so long for that day, yet when the day finally came they doubted it because they had anticipated something more glamorous than a baby born into a manger. This is one of the reasons why even until now majority of the Jews are still waiting for their Saviour to be born.

According to John's Revelation, Jesus is known as the LAMB OF GOD in Heaven. Jesus' birth in a stable and laid in a manger justified the way Heaven saw Him. A stable is where animals are kept. A manger is where the animals eat. So Jesus was born among animals and laid in a place where the animals feed. This is an interesting way of the Son of God to be born. So why a stable and why a manger? Couldn't God have chosen a more luxurious and a more dignified way of introducing His son into this world?

God could have chosen a rich parent for Jesus but He didn't. Instead, He gave us the biggest lesson in humility by allowing the King of kings to be born under such lowly conditions. Jesus'parents were poor, they came from a small town called Bethlehem and Jesus Himself was born among animals. Such a humble beginning. Jesus Christ was humility personified. He walked in Humility even allowing Himself to be maltreated by His creation and hanged on a Cross. But even on the Cross, He remaind the King of kings. A poor boy born in a stable became the saviour of humanity. Glory be to God.

Child of God, it doesn't matter how poor your background is, if you can humble yourself, God will lift you up. Let's learn from Christ and live a life of humility. Pride only leads to a fall. God bless you.

Prayer line:

Father, thank you for sending your son to teach us a lesson in humility. Please help me to be humble. Amen

Further Scripture Readings

Luke 2

Philippians 2:5-11

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