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Breakfast With Christ - Jesus The Good Shepherd




"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want".

Our scripture for today is taken from one of the most popular Psalms in the Bible. Most of us

have at a point in time read this Psalm or even recited it. David himself was a shepherd, but at a point in time, he had to recognize the authority of a higher shepherd in his life. David knowing very well who a shepherd was, referred to the Lord as his shepherd.

So who is a shepherd? A shepherd is a person who takes care of a sheep. A shepherd primarily has three roles: A shepherd leads, a shepherd provides and a shepherd protects. The shepherd leads the flock, he provides for the needs of the flock and he also protects the flock from harm.

In John 10:14, our Lord Jesus described Himself as the "good shepherd". If He is the Shepherd then we are His flock. So what does it mean for Jesus to be our shepherd?

First it means He leads us. Jesus, our good Shepherd leads us in life. He leads us through the path of righteousness. He leads us to do the Will of our God the father. One attribute of the sheep is that it allows itself to be led by the shepherd. If we say the Lord is our shepherd, then we need to submit to Him and allow Him to lead us.

Secondly, Jesus, our good shepherd also provides for us. Jesus is our provider. He provides all our needs. There is nothing we need that Jesus can't provide for us. If you accept Jesus as your shepherd, then you can trust Him to provide all your needs according to His Will.

Lastly, Jesus being our good shepherd means He is our protector. He protects us from all harm. Our Lord keeps us safe from all seen and unseen harm. The shepherd will never allow His sheep to be harmed, He will do anything to protect His flock. If the Lord is indeed your shepherd, then you don't need to be scared of anything, trust your shepherd to protect you.

Jesus indeed is our good shepherd. Hallelujah!


Lord, thank you for being my good shepherd. May you continue to lead me, provide for me and protect me from all harm. Amen


Psalm 23

John 10

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